What is CRM?

CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management. CRM solutions manage your client files in a more easy and transparent way. It supports you in getting the right new customers and retaining existing customers longer for your organisation. With CRM you know exactly who your customers are. It also supports you in tailoring and improving your service, which will improve your sales.

Certainly not all companies have their Customer Relationship Management in order. As a result, turnover stagnates. You have to know your customers before you can increase your turnover and profit. For many organizations, 20 percent of the customers provide 80 percent of the profits. The question remains: Which customers make that 20 percent? With the implementation of a good CRM solution you can see that at a glance.

Know Your Customer

CRM provides insight into the preferences of existing and potential (future ) customers . A good CRM solution enables you to:

  • expand, retain and improve the relationships with existing customers;
  • make the relationship with customers more profitable ;
  • get more new customers ;
  • make your CRM processes more efficient target and reduce costs.
CRM-Guide - What is CRM? Guide

More than just software

CRM is more than just a software package or a set of processes. CRM is a corporate culture: a way of working that concerns your whole organisation. Retaining customers and generating new leads will only succeed if different departments work together effectively and share important customer information.

More information?

Wondering which CRM solution is the best for your organisation? Contact CRM-Guide free and without obligation.

We are also available if you consider Human Resource Management (HRM), Business Intelligence (BI) or Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions.